Business Growth

Involuntary Loss Of Employment Insurance UAE: Securing Future

involuntary loss of employment insurance uae

The deadline for registration in the unemployment insurance plan in the United Arab Emirates has been extended from June 30, 2023, to October 1, 2023, to give employees more time to register. Although many locals are enthusiastic about signing up for the program, they are uncertain how to claim the insurance amount if they are terminated without cause. In this context, it is vital to understand what happens after a job loss and the process for requesting the coverage amount. To learn more about the involuntary loss of employment insurance in UAE, keep reading this article to gain a better understanding of the process.

By familiarizing themselves with the necessary steps and requirements, individuals can ensure they are prepared in the event of job loss and can confidently navigate the claims process. 

 What Is Involuntary Loss Of Employment Insurance In UAE?

 What Is Involuntary Loss Of Employment Insurance In UAE

What Is Involuntary Loss Of Employment Insurance In UAE

On 1st January 2023, the government set up the Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE) in the UAE scheme to provide financial assistance to individuals who have been terminated by their employers. However, if you voluntarily leave your job, you will not be eligible for insurance benefits. For financial assistance following a job loss, employees must pay a monthly premium. The unemployment insurance program is part of the country’s attempts to foster economic and social growth through human capital empowerment.

Key Features of Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance

Income Replacement: In the event of job loss, this insurance typically covers a portion of the policyholder’s previous income for a defined period. This can help maintain a certain standard of living while job hunting.

Waiting Period: There is usually a waiting period from the time of job loss to when the insurance benefits kick in. This waiting period varies depending on the insurance provider and policy terms.

Coverage Limit: Policies often have a limit on the maximum amount or duration for which benefits are paid. It’s crucial to understand these limitations.

Eligibility Criteria: Insurance providers may have specific criteria for policy eligibility, including the length of employment and the reason for job loss.

Benefits of Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance

Financial Security: This insurance provides a financial safety net during job loss, helping policyholders meet their financial obligations.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a safety net in place can reduce stress during periods of job insecurity.

Time to Find the Right Job: With financial support, individuals can take the time to search for a job that aligns with their skills and career goals rather than accepting the first available opportunity.

How Do I File for Unemployment Insurance After a Job Loss?

How Do I File for Unemployment Insurance After a Job Loss

How Do I File for Unemployment Insurance After a Job Loss

You have to file the claim through one of the following authorized channels within 30 days of the employer’s termination:

  1. Official website
  2. Phone  application
  3. Call center (+971 60 059 0000)

You will receive monthly compensation

  • up to three months after losing a job, or
  • Until the beginning of your new employment,

The maximum monthly compensation for category A employees is AED 10,000, while the maximum monthly compensation for category B employees is AED 20,000. The monthly compensation is determined by taking 60% of your monthly pay into account.

If your application complies with the terms and conditions, the insurance company must pay the money to you within two weeks of your claim being submitted.

However, if you meet any of the following requirements, you might not be eligible to receive the claim amount:

  • For disciplinary reasons at the job specified by applicable laws, your employer fires you.
  • You make a false claim for the insurance payout.
  • Your place of employment is not real.

With this program, UAE hopes to improve its human resources for social and economic growth. When an employee’s company fires them, the unemployment insurance program gives them financial freedom while they hunt for new employment.

 Penalty for Late Registration in the Program

A qualified employee will be required to pay a fine of AED 400 for non-registration if he does not sign up in the plan by the extended deadline of October 1, 2023. Employees, not employers, are primarily responsible for registering for the unemployment program in the United Arab Emirates.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s

Who is eligible for Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance in the UAE?

  • Eligibility typically includes individuals who have lost their job through no fault of their own and have been paying the required monthly premium. Voluntarily leaving a job may not make you eligible for this insurance.

What is the waiting period before I can claim benefits after losing my job?

  • The waiting period varies among insurance providers and policies. It’s crucial to understand the specific waiting period outlined in your policy terms.

How is the monthly compensation calculated under Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance?

  • The monthly compensation is often calculated as a percentage of your previous monthly income. The exact percentage may vary based on the policy and category of employee.

What channels can I use to file a claim for unemployment insurance in the UAE?

  • You can file a claim through authorized channels, which typically include the official website, a mobile application, or the call center. Claims should be submitted within 30 days of job termination.

Are there any penalties for late registration in the Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance program in the UAE?

  • Yes, if eligible employees do not register for the program by the extended deadline, they may be required to pay a fine of AED 400. It’s essential to register in a timely manner to avoid penalties and secure financial protection.


The extension of the registration deadline for the Involuntary Loss of Employment Insurance (ILOE) in the United Arab Emirates brings much-needed relief to employees, offering them more time to secure their financial future. The ILOE insurance scheme, introduced on January 1, 2023, serves as a safety net for individuals facing unexpected job loss. To be eligible for these benefits, individuals must pay a monthly premium, and the program aims to empower human capital by providing financial assistance during challenging times.

Employees who haven’t registered for the program should do so before the extended deadline of October 1, 2023, to avoid penalties. This responsibility falls on the employees themselves, highlighting the importance of proactive financial planning and ensuring a secure future in the face of unforeseen job loss

As the UAE continues to invest in human capital, the unemployment insurance program plays a pivotal role in providing financial stability to individuals during job transitions. It is a testament to the country’s commitment to the well-being of its workforce.

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